Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Motto and Vision

This is my slogan: Simply face it

In council, we will face a lot of challenges and also failures.No matter what happen or how impossible the task is, simply face it. For me,I don't aim for perfect,I just aim to improve, learn from my mistakes and do my best.

This is my motto:自强不息
As everyone knows, this is the school's motto. I chose this motto because in council and in life, we must learnt to be resilient and never give up easily. Life is like a mission, as long as we persevere and determine, we will succeed.

Lastly,this is my vision: To guide and set an example for everyone
As councillors, we must set a good example for others. We must also guide and help our peers when they are in need. We must also guide our peers back to the track if they are getting worse in behaviour or academically.We could influence them too.

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